Replicating ImageLogic classification data to peers

You can replicate ImageLogic classification data to peers, if necessary. Replication of data is automatic but, if a peer has been offline, you may wish to refresh the classification data.

To replicate the data:

  1. From the Policy Center Home page, click ImageLogic. The ImageLogic page appears.
  2. Click Replicate ImageLogic classification data to peers on the task panel to display the Replicate ImageLogic data dialog.
  3. Click the Replicate data button to confirm that you wish to replicate the classification data.
  4. The Success dialog will be displayed confirming that the ImageLogic classification data was replicated.
  5. Click Close to close the dialog.
  The ImageLogic classification data on the peers will not be changed if you have reset the ImageLogic classification data and no new images have been added.

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