Viewing or Updating your Clearswift Gateway License Details

From the System Center you can view the details of your current Clearswift Gateway license.

  License updates are normally managed automatically by the Clearswift Update Server. You should only need to edit your license details manually if you change your license type (for example from an Evaluation license to a Full license), or under specific instructions from Clearswift.

To view or update your Clearswift Gateway license details:

  1. From the System Center Home page, select View License.

    The View License page is displayed.

    If your license is valid, the Valid License box at the top of the page indicates this. Otherwise the Clearswift Gateway displays a license warning.

    The License Details panel displays the details of your current license, including the license type and current expiry date.

  2. To edit your license details:

      1. In the License Details panel, click Click here to change these settings.
      2. Enter your license details.
      3. Click Save.
      4. Click Validate my license now in the task panel.

        A license validation request is sent to Clearswift. Assuming your license details are valid, the Valid license box at the top of the View license page indicates that your license has been successfully validated.

        Apply the configuration to fully activate the license

  3. To edit your Call-home Settings:

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