'Send a Copy' Actions

When configuring a content rule, it is possible to include an action which sends copies of messages to a relay server (or servers) or alternatively, to a specified email address. These actions are:

These actions enable you to archive messages detected by a content rule.

To add a 'Send a Copy (Relay Server)' action to a content rule:

This action sends copies of detected messages to an archive on a relay server.

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the "What To Do?" area of the content rule and click New. The "Add a What to Do Action" dialog is displayed.
  2. Select "Send a Copy (Relay Server)" from the list. A "Send a Copy (Relay Server)" action is displayed in the "What To Do?" area.
  3. Close the "Add a What to Do Action" dialog.
  4. Move the mouse pointer over the "Send a Copy (Relay Server)" Action in the "What To Do?" area and click Click here to change these settings.
  5. Use the drop-down menu to specify under what conditions Clearswift Gateway is to send messages to the relay server:
  1. Specify the relay server by selecting an existing server from the To: list.

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You can add or modify a relay server using the Relay Servers tab under Manage Disposal Actions.

  1. Click Save.

To add a 'Send a Copy (BCC)' action to a content rule:

This action sends copies of detected messages to an email address.

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the "What To Do?" area of the content rule and click New. The "Add a What to Do Action" dialog is displayed.
  2. Select "Send a Copy (BCC)" from the list. A "Send a Copy (BCC)" action is displayed in the "What To Do?" area.
  3. Close the "Add a What to Do Action" dialog.
  4. Move the mouse pointer over the "Send a Copy (BCC)" Action in the "What To Do?" area and click Click here to change these settings.
  5. Use the drop-down menu to specify under what conditions Clearswift Gateway is to send messages to the recipient:
  1. Specify the recipient of the copied messages by entering an email address in the Email recipient: box.
  2. Use the Message: list to specify whether the content rule will send the Modified or Original copy of the message.

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Copies of emails are sent to the selected email address without encryption. If this rule is used on a mail route with encryption enabled, you should make sure that performing this action will not leak sensitive information via copied messages.

To edit a 'Send a Copy' action:

To remove a 'Send a Copy' action:

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the action in the "What To Do?" area and click . A dialog is displayed asking whether or not you want to delete the action.
  2. Click Yes. The action is removed from the "What To Do?" area.

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  • You can add multiple "Send a Copy" actions to a content rule including combinations of Send a Copy (BCC) and Send a Copy (Relay Server). This enables you to archive messages to a number of separate locations, if required.
  • There are also two content rule templates, specifically designed to archive messages to a relay server or email address. See Archiving Copies of Messages for more information.