Configure Not Junk Email settings

Emails in a held message area that are reported as Not Junk Email using the PMM or admin UI automatically are sent as a report to Clearswift for evaluation. This report contains all the message information for the email. However, you can restrict the email data sent as part of this report, so that only the spam header is included. This restricts the email data to only report the sender and recipient addresses, the connecting IP address, and spam reference information.

To restrict the data sent:

  1. From the Policy Center Home page, click SpamLogic Settings.
    The SpamLogic Settings page appears.
  2. In the Not Junk Reporting panel, click Click here to change these settings.
  3. Enable or disable the When reporting emails as 'Not Junk' restrict the email data sent check box.

      Restricting the report data sent to Clearswift may prevent the junk mail issue from being corrected.

  4. Click Save.
  If you are installing a new instance of the Email Gateway this setting defaults to report only the spam header information. If you are upgrading an existing instance of the Email Gateway, the setting defaults to report the entire message.