Testing a Connection to an SMTP Host

The Test SMTP Connection option enables you to verify a connection to an SMTP host, for example if mail does not appear to be reaching a particular mail server. Clearswift Gateway initiates an SMTP protocol exchange as if it were sending a message to the specified host.

To test an SMTP connection

  1. On the System Center Home page, select Test SMTP Connection from the task panel. The Test SMTP Connection dialog appears.
  2. Complete the dialog fields:

    • Host: The IP address or host name.
    • Port: The port number on which the host listens. The value must be between 1 and 65535.
    • Mail From: (Optional.) The sender email address.
    • Rcpt To: (Optional.) The recipient email address.
    • Timeout: A maximum duration for the connection attempt. The value must be between 10 and 120 seconds.
  3. Click Run Test. The dialog displays an "In Progress" message while it runs the test, and then displays the results.
  4. To repeat the test, repeat from step 2, otherwise click Close to close the dialog.