Configuring SMTP Timeouts

You can specify the length of time Clearswift Gateway waits for various SMTP actions to occur. You configure the timeouts as part of the SMTP delivery and reception settings.

To specify SMTP timeouts

  1. From the System Center Home page, click SMTP Settings. The SMTP Settings page appears.
  2. Click Advanced Settings to display the SMTP Advanced Settings page. The Timeouts area lists the current settings for each timeout.
  3. Move the mouse pointer over the Timeouts area and click Click here to change these settings.
  4. Edit the required timeouts:
  1. Edit the remaining setting to configure how the system handles messages where delivery has been deferred. These messages are placed in the Dispatch Retry queue.

To specify dispatch retry message timeouts

You can set how the system handles deferred messages, or those that it cannot deliver on the first attempt. The non-delivery reason could be, for example, because the receiving host is down, or the DNS MX record was not found.  For deferred messages, you can configure:

The process for each deferred message is as follows:

  1. The message is placed in the Dispatch Retry queue, and the Gateway attempts to re-send the message at intervals set by the delivery retry time.
  2. After the messages older than time, the Gateway attempts to re-send the message at intervals set by the new delivery retry time.
  3. After the message non-deliver time, the Gateway discards the message.
  If you change any configuration settings you must apply the new configuration for the new settings to take effect.

If the Gateways are configured as a group, any group changes should be applied to each Gateway.