Specifying the SMTP Welcome Message

You can define the welcome message string Clearswift Gateway responds with when an SMTP client connects to it.

To specify the SMTP welcome message:

  1. From the System Center Home page, click SMTP Settings. The SMTP Settings page appears.
  2. Click General Settings to display the SMTP General Settings page. The SMTP Welcome Message area displays the current welcome message.

NOTE: Postfix always inserts "ESMTP" as the second word of the welcome message, to indicate that it supports the ESMTP protocol. For example, the default message "SMTP Relay" will appear as "SMTP ESMTP Relay".

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the SMTP Welcome Message area and click Click here to change these settings.
  2. Enter the required welcome message.
  3. Click Save.
  For security reasons the default welcome message "SMTP Relay" does not include any significant information. Be aware that if you supply information about your site in the welcome message, hackers may use this information against you.
  If the Gateways are configured as a group, any group changes should be applied to each Gateway. If you change any configuration settings you must apply the new configuration for the new settings to take effect.