Updating using a Remote File


References to Web policy content are only available when a Web Gateway is included in the peer group.

You can specify that the manager relationships will be retrieved from a remote file.

The remote file can either be a single manager information file or a zip file containing single or multiple manager information files. The manager files should use UTF-8 encoding. The manager file names contained within the zip file must only contain ASCII characters.

The Clearswift Gateway will validate the manager file contents before utilizing them. The validation will check that each line is split using a colon and that it contains valid email addresses. If the validation fails then the file will be rejected. When duplicate users are detected, the first one found will be used and other duplicates will be ignored.

More than one manager can be specified for a sender by using commas to separate the email addresses of the managers. You can specify a sender with no manager by omitting the address of the manager.

For example:




You can also use a wildcard character ( * ) to specify a range of senders' email addresses. For example:


To specify Updating using a Remote File

  1. From the Policy Center Home page, click Manager Relationships. The Manager Relationships page appears.
  2. Move the mouse pointer over the Update using section and click Click here to change these settings .
  3. From the drop-down box next to Update the manager relationship using, select Remote file.
  4. Click Save.

To specify the Remote File Location

  1. From the Policy Center Home page, click Manager Relationships. The Manager Relationships page appears.
  2. Move the mouse pointer over the remote File Location section and click Click here to change these settings.
  3. Enter the URL from which the manager relationships should be updated. When used, the HTTP or HTTPS URLs need to point to a file name, for example, http://<testwebsite>/<directory>/<filename.txt> or http://<testwebsite>/<directory>/<filename.zip>.
  4. Click Save.

When you have finished modifying your content security policy you must apply the configuration for any changes to take effect. If the Gateways are configured as a group, any group changes should be applied to each Gateway.

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