Defining LDAP Search Criteria


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This topic provides background information on how to specify search criteria when defining LDAP Synchronized User Name or Email Address Lists.

Target DN for Sync

The Target DN for Sync identifies the Distinguished Name of the base node from which you wish to start your search.

An LDAP directory is arranged in a tree structure, with nodes usually in the following top-down order:

+ root

   + countries

      + organizations

          + organizational units

              - individuals

When viewing the tree, you can expand each node to reveal any additional nodes beneath it.

Each node can be uniquely identified using its Distinguished Name (DN). This is formed from the names of all the nodes listed sequentially, starting from the node you are identifying, up to the top of the tree. For example, the Distinguished Name of the node containing Vince or Vince's email address is:

cn=Vince, ou=Sales, o=Your Company plc, c=UK

Nodes contain data in the form of one or more attribute=value pairs. For example, in the diagram above, each cn (common name) node contains an attribute. Every node usually contains at least one ObjectClass attribute (not shown).


The scope determines the area of the tree to include in the search. You can specify one of the following:


The filter you specify determines which nodes to include in the search, based on the attributes they contain. The filter uses the standard LDAP format. A basic search filter looks like this:


Filter Matches


All nodes in the LDAP directory. (The ObjectClass attribute is usually contained in every node.)


All nodes containing an email address entry.


All nodes with a surname entry of "Johnson".


All nodes with a surname entry that starts with the two characters "jo", for example, "Johnson", "Jones", and "Jordan".

If you are using an LDAP server that supports complex expressions, you can use Boolean operators to define a complex search filter:


Filter Matches


all nodes with both your Sales email address and a surname of "Johnson".


all nodes containing the last name "Jensen" or the last name "Johnson".


all nodes except those containing Vince's email address.

  Contact your LDAP server administrator for details of the attributes supported and values defined for your organization.

Attributes to Retrieve

For the nodes identified by the Target DN, Scope and Filter, you must specify the attributes whose values you want retrieved. The values of the attributes you specify must be user names or email addresses, as these are the only values Clearswift Gateway can accept. If you specify two or more attributes, separate them with commas.

Requesting Paging

Each LDAP server has a maximum number of nodes it will include in a single query. If the number of nodes in your search exceeds that limit, the server will return only its maximum number of results. You can avoid this limit by using the option to allow paging requests, and by specifying a paging size no greater than the maximum number of nodes the LDAP server includes in a query. Then, if the number of nodes in your search exceeds the paging size, Clearswift Gateway automatically splits your search into multiple queries, each bounded by the paging size. The effect is that the LDAP server searches all the required nodes.

Group Expansion

If the LDAP server is configured to allow recursion down a hierarchy of groups you can use the Group Expansion option. If you select Group Expansion you can select:

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