Controlling Recipients to Accept Mail For

You can specify the recipients that Clearswift Gateway accepts mail for, by selecting one or more Address Lists. If you configure this feature, Clearswift Gateway rejects email for any address that is not a member of any of the specified Address Lists.


  • Clearswift Gateway applies the address checking only to messages entering your organization.
  • If you use this feature, ensure that you include addresses for all your organization's users who need to receive email.

To control recipients to accept mail for:

  1. Ensure you have created Static Address Lists and/or LDAP Synchronized Address Lists that include all the addresses you want to accept messages for.
  2. From the Policy Center Home page, click SpamLogic Settings.
  3. Move the mouse pointer over the Only accept messages for these addresses area and click Click here to change these settings. The table lists all the currently configured static and LDAP Synchronized Address Lists.
  4. Select the check boxes for Address Lists whose members you want to be able to receive messages.
  5. Click Save.


  • When you have finished modifying your content security policy you must apply the configuration for any changes to take effect. If the Gateways are configured as a group, any group changes should be applied to each Gateway.

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