Generate an Alert action

The Generate an Alert action sends a user-defined alert to a recipient configured on the Policy Engine Settings page. You can specify the conditions required to generate the alert and enter the alert text (up to 160 characters). This action can be added to all content rules.

Apply the action to a content rule

  1. Inside the What To Do? area of the content rule, click New next to the What Else to Do? action.
    The Add a What to Do Action dialog appears.
  2. Select the action from the list.
    The action is automatically added to the What Else To Do? area.
  3. Close the Add a What to Do Action dialog.

Configure the action

  1. Beside the Generate an Alert action in the What Else To Do? area, click Click here to change these settings.
  2. Specify the conditions for When the alert is sent:

    • If the "What to Look For?" conditions are met
    • If the conditions are met AND the disposal action is performed
    • If the conditions are met BUT the disposal action is not performed
  3. When the selected condition is met, the text entered in the Using this text field is sent.
  4. Click Save.

    To edit a previously created Generate an Alert action, follow the steps in Configure the action to change the current settings.

  Specify the alert recipient by clicking System > System Settings > Policy Engine Settings. Use the Alert Settings panel to configure the way alerts are delivered.

Remove the action from a content rule

Inside the What To Do? area, click next to the What Else to Do? action you want to remove and confirm the deletion.