Strip the Attachment action

The Strip the Attachment action removes attachments from messages, and can be applied to the following content rules:

  • Analyze Properties
  • Check Registered Data
  • Detect Active Content
  • Detect Filenames
  • Detect Lexical Expression
  • Detect Malformed Data
  • Detect Media Types
  • Detect Virus
  • Redact Text (on unsuccessful redaction only)
  • Run External Command
  • Sanitize Active Content (on unsuccessful sanitization only)
  • Sanitize Document Content (on unsuccessful sanitization only)
  • Structural Validation
  You can only add one Strip the Attachment action to a content rule.

You can also apply a message annotation to the start or end of the successfully stripped message. For example, you might want to add an annotation that notifies the recipient that an attachment has been removed. For more information about annotations, refer to Message Annotations.

Apply the action to a content rule

  1. Inside the What To Do? area of the content rule, click New next to the What Else to Do? action.
    The Add a What to Do Action dialog appears.
  2. Select the action from the list.
    The action is automatically added to the What Else To Do? area.
  3. Close the Add a What to Do Action dialog.

Attachments will be stripped, according to the rule conditions, but you can also annotate messages that have been stripped.

Configure the action

To annotate stripped messages:

  1. Beside the Strip the Attachment action in the What Else To Do? area, click Click here to change these settings.
  2. Enable the checkbox.
  3. Specify the Annotation to use from the drop-down menu:

    • (Create a new annotation) - when the action is saved, a new annotation is created.
    • Annotation - select a previously configured annotation from the list.
  4. Choose whether the annotation is inserted at the Start of the message body or End of the message body.
  5. Click Save.

    To edit a previously created Strip the Attachment annotation, follow the steps in Configure the action to change the current settings.

Remove the action from a content rule

Inside the What To Do? area, click next to the What Else to Do? action you want to remove and confirm the deletion.