Lexical Expression clause

The Lexical Expression clause enables you to configure a content rule to look for specific lexical expressions in:

Lexical expressions are words or phrases that can be specifically detected. They are grouped together in lexical expression lists, which you can add to the Lexical Expression clause.

To define a Lexical Expression clause in a content rule:

  1. Click Click here to change these settings.
  2. Select your Expression list from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the Trigger required for the content rule to measure the weight of detected expressions.

    • Greater than or equal - The rule will trigger if the Threshold (specified by the expression list) is matched or exceeded.
    • Less than and no forced triggers - The rule will trigger if the Threshold is neither matched nor exceeded.
  4. Select the parts of the message you want the content rule to scan.


    For each of the message parts (including each separate attachment) the content rule considers the parts separately.

  5. Select the combination of Document Options you want to scan, where applicable.

    • Scan body
    • Scan header and footer
    • Scan properties
    • Scan comments
    • Scan embedded script

    By default, the content rule considers each document part separately. For example, if a detected term with weight +6 appears in the body and the header of the document, the total weight = +6.

For more information on how to create a list of lexical expressions, see Create a lexical expression. To find out more about lexical expressions in general, including weighting, thresholds and triggers, see Lexical Expressions.