Creating a Custom Media Type

You can create a Custom Media Type to reference a Which Media Types clause in the "What To Look For?" section of a content rule.

The Custom Media Type allows you to define a hexadecimal signature that can be identified at the start or end of a media type file and the offset, in bytes, from the start or end of the file. See About Custom Media Type Signatures for further information.

To create a Custom Media Type:

  1. From the Policy Center Home page, click Custom Media Types. The Manage Custom Media Types page appears.
  2. Click New adjacent to the Filename header. The Modify Custom Media Type page appears.
  1. The Overview area enables you to provide a name and optional notes for the Custom Media Type. To edit these details:
  1. The Signatures area defines the list of signatures to search on. To add signatures to the list:
  1. To edit or remove a signature in the list, move the mouse pointer over the Signatures area and select the filename you wish to edit, then click Edit or Delete as required.
  2. The Match All Signatures area enables you to match either all or any signatures. To edit these details:
  When you have finished modifying your content security policy you must apply the configuration for any changes to take effect. If the Gateways are configured as a group, any group changes should be applied to each Gateway.

See also...