Configuring the Acceptable Use Page

The settings on this page allow you to specify the text and display frequency associated with the Acceptable Use Page. You may also enable and disable the use of this page.

To enable the Acceptable Use Page:

  1. From the System Center Home page, click Proxy Settings. The Proxy Settings page appears.
  2. On the Proxy Settings page, click Acceptable Use Page to display the Acceptable Use page.
  3. Move the mouse pointer over the Acceptable Use Page section and click Click here to change these settings.
  4. Select or clear Enable the Acceptable Use Page.
  1. Click Save.

To change the Display Interval:

  1. From the System Center Home page, click Proxy Settings. The Proxy Settings page appears.
  2. On the Proxy Settings page, click Acceptable Use Page to display the Acceptable Use page.
  3. Move the mouse pointer over the Display Interval section and click Click here to change these settings.
  4. In the Acceptable Use Page will be displayed every field, enter a time, in hours, between 1 and 9216 after which the Acceptable Use Page is to be displayed.
  5. Click Save to save your configuration.

To edit the content of the Acceptable Use Page:

  1. From the System Center Home page, click Proxy Settings. The Proxy Settings page appears.
  2. On the Proxy Settings page, click Acceptable Use Page to display the Acceptable Use page.
  3. The Content area allows you to set the title, button label and any content that you want the page to include:
  1. Click Save to save your changes.