Managing administrator user access and roles

You can manage the administrator users, their roles and their access to the Gateway from the User Center Home page, accessible from the Users top-level menu option.

In this context, users are specifically administrator users who can access and modify parts of the Gateway, and not end-users themselves.

  You do not have to add users explicitly and individually to enable administrator access to the system. Instead, you can link a new or existing role to an Active Directory group - all of the members of this group will gain the permissions defined in that role.

The Gateway supports three types of users:

Users, roles, and permissions, can be added, modified and deleted from the Users and Roles tabs of the User Center Home page.

The system is initially supplied with one local administrator user for the Gateway interface. This is a super-administrator user named admin by default. You can rename the default admin user, but you cannot delete it. This user always has full access to all areas of the Gateway user interface.

The admin user can create additional users and roles, and if any of those new users have roles that give them the appropriate access permissions, they in turn can create further new users and roles.

Adding, modifying, and deleting roles

  On the Roles tab of the User Center Home page, you can organize your roles by selecting them and clicking Color. You can also access a list of people who have a specific role by selecting it and clicking View users.

Creating, modifying, and deleting users

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