HTTPS Certificate Generation

The settings on this page affect how all the Web Gateways in the peer group handle the generation of HTTPS certificates.


Clearswift recommends that you allow each peer to generate its own certificates, provided all the peers are operating at version 4.5.0 or later. If your peer group includes older Gateways, you must select a certificateClosedA digital means of proving your identity. When you send a digitally-signed message, you are sending your certificate and public key. Certificates are issued by a certification authority and can expire or be revoked. master for the peer group.

For compatibility with older versions of the Gateway, you can define a master server using the following procedure:

To define the HTTPS Certificate Master Server:

  1. Click System Center > Proxy Settings > HTTPS Settings. Select the Certificate Generation tab.
  2. Select the All certificates will be generated by a master peer check box.


    Clear the check box if you want each Gateway to generate certificates independently.

  3. Choose the Master Server from the list of available Gateways.

  4. Click Save.

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