Specifying Routing of Email

You can route email destined for particular email domains either to a specific mail server, or by using DNS MX records. This mechanism allows you to specify where to direct:

You can use a wildcard * when specifying a domain name, for example to specify a mail server for external delivery if you are not using DNS. See these Closedexample uses of wildcards.

Use of wildcards when specifying domains

You can specify a wildcard * in a domain name in the routing table, as a prefix only, for example *.yourcompany.com.

If you enter just * as the domain, the Clearswift Gateway uses that route for any domains that do not have entries higher in the table.

The order of entries in the routing table does not have an impact on which entry is used, except where two entries use the same domain name. In this case, the first entry is used.

For example, consider the following routing table:

Domain Route


To server at <hostname:port>


To server at <hostname:port>


To server at <external server hostname:port>


Use DNS MX record

In the above example, mail for all domains except inside.yourcompany.com and inside2.yourcompany.com is routed to the external mail server specified by the * entry.

To add a route for a domain

  1. From the System Center Home page, click SMTP Settings. The SMTP Settings page appears.
  2. Click Mail Domains and Routing to display the Mail Domains and Routing page. Select the Email Routing tab.
  3. Click New to create a new route. The Add Email Route dialog is displayed.

  4. In the Add Email Route dialog, enter the following information:

  5. Click Add to add the entry to the routing table.
  6. To change the priority of an entry in the routing table, select the entry and click or as required.

  7. To edit the route, select an entry from the table and click Edit.

To remove a route for a domain

  1. Move the mouse pointer over the Email Routing area, select the item in the list and click Delete. A Confirm Delete dialog box is displayed stating 'Are you sure you want to delete the route?'.
  2. Click Yes to remove the entry from the Email Routing table.

See also...

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