Managing PMM Users

As part of configuring PMM, you can manage your PMM users and their trusted senders lists.

With PMM users, the default behavior is that all users who receive a PMM message can manage their own trusted senders list. If they receive a message from somebody on their trusted sender list it will be delivered automatically.

Types of PMM User

Users are displayed in PMM with icons to indicate their status:

individual user windows account
shared mailbox
locked user
user with login failures
any other type of user

To configure PMM Users

  1. From the System Center Home page, click PMM Settings.
  2. Click Manage Users to display the Manage PMM Users page.
  3. To add users to the list:
  4. To edit or remove a PMM user:
    • A maximum of three failed login attempts are allowed for a user. Further login attempts will not be possible for ten minutes after the final attempt.
    • Any changes take effect immediately.
    • Users are added to the list automatically when the end-user uses the portal.

See also...