Red Hat Cockpit

Red Hat Cockpit is the user interface that enables you to manage and configure how your Gateway operates on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux server. You can:

  To access the interface, open a web browser with the same IP address as your Gateway UI, on port 9090, for example:


You can access product information including the current version number and product name, using the Clearswift tab.

You can also complete a number of Product Actions:

Network Services

You can make changes to network services, that will be automatically deployed to the Gateway.

When modifying network changes via Cockpit, it is necessary to restart the network to ensure those changes are applied and re-initialized correctly. As a consequence, there may be a short window (up to 5 seconds) when network services such as DNS will be unavailable. In the event of this operation causing any policy failures, you are advised to re-submit those requests, or re-process those messages.

We recommend doing this at an off-peak time, as there will be short interruptions to services while the configuration is being updated and the network is restarting.

  Please note that it can take up to five minutes for the network configuration changes to be fully deployed.

Software Updates

The Software Updates tab displays any available updates, including updates in the following categories:

You can either install just the Security updates, or all the available updates from the Software Updates tab.

  An alarm will be raised in the Gateway Admin UI when updates are available. You can install them via this tab.

Monitoring Services

Monitoring Services include support for SNMP Servers and SCOM Servers.


This tab provides a view of the general system health, showing the CPU, Memory, Disk and Bandwidth usages.


This tab provides a consolidated view of the system logs, as opposed to the Gateway centric logs that are visible in the Gateway Admin UI.


This tab allows you to modify your network connections, such as enabling additional network interfaces, changing an IP address or adding additional DNS Servers.

  When changing the settings for individual network interfaces, make sure you always define the address, netmask and gateway before saving your changes.

Any changes made in this page will be propagated to the Gateway automatically. Please note this can take up to five minutes to deploy and should be done at an off-peak time, as there might be short interruptions to services while the configuration is being updated and the network is restarting.


Use the Accounts tab to Create New Account. You can then click an account to make changes, Set Password, or Force Change, forcing the user to provide a password when next logging in.


You can edit an account to give it a Server Administrator role with the Roles check box.

We strongly recommend that you create a Server Administrator after installation, and disable the root user account. Server Administrators have edit access in Cockpit, provided the account is not pending a password reset.


This tab allows you to view the state of all system services, as opposed to the Gateway centric services list visible in the Gateway Admin UI.


This tab allows you to login to a command line session using the same credentials that you used to log into Red Hat Cockpit.

Advanced Settings

The following settings should only be required in specific circumstances.

See also...