Using Tokens in Content Rules and Policy References

The following tables provide a full list of tokens that can be used in certain What To Do? actions and Policy References.


References to Web policy content are only available when a Web Gateway is included in the peer group.

Token Description/Value Where it can be used...

The administrator account email address used by the Policy Engine.

Alerts, Annotations, Informs, Logs, Tag Subject, Add Header

A description of the raised alarm.

Email Alarm Messages

The text of the raised alarm.

Email Alarm Messages

The type of the raised alarm.

Email Alarm Messages

The name of the message area containing the message.

Alerts, Informs. Logs

The names of the triggered content rules.


The date the original message was sent.

Alerts, Annotations, Informs, Log Message, Tag Subject, Add Header, Notify Sender, Notify Auditor


Items detected by the What To Look For? clauses in invoked content rules.

Alerts, Annotations, Informs

The hostname of the machine on which an alarm has been raised.

Email Alarm Message

The IP address of the machine on which an alarm has been raised.

Email Alarm Message

The date the original message was sent, shown in the Gateway's local timezone.

Alerts, Informs

A manage message link that can be added to a Plain Format inform message. This token is only applicable to the Email Gateway and should not be used in informs that are shared between the Email Gateway and Web Gateway in a conjoined environment.


Content rules that triggered, and hence modified the message.

Annotations, Informs

A list of the content rules invoked on the message.

Alerts, Annotations, Informs, Logs, Tag Subject, Add Header, Notify Sender

The policy that was violated.

Notify Auditor

The threat type and name detected in a message. The values are separated by a colon, for example, VIRUS:EICAR.

Alerts, Informs

A list of the recipients. (This is a concatenated list of all the "Recipient" responses.)

Alerts, Annotations, Informs, Logs, Notify Sender, Notify Auditor


A list of the Clearswift Gateway format managers that recognized formats in the message (such as SMTP, text, HTML).

Annotations, Informs
%RELEASEDBY% The name of the person who released the message. Notify Auditor

A list of the names of any removed attachments.

Annotations, Informs, Tag Subject, Add Header

The values of all the response tokens.

Annotations, Informs

The email address of the sender of the original message.

Alerts, Annotations, Informs, Logs, Tag Subject, Add Header


The Clearswift Gatewayserver email address.

Alerts, Annotations, Informs, Logs, Tag Subject, Add Header

The subject of the original message.

Alerts, Annotations, Informs, Logs, Tag Subject, Add Header, Notify Sender, Notify Auditor


The Mail ID: the unique ID Clearswift Gateway assigns to a message.

Alerts, Annotations, Informs, Logs, Tag Subject, Add Header

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