Manage Allow List

You can add trusted hosts to an allow list, and configure the spam checks you want to bypass for each entry in the list. This ensures that trusted mail (such as newsletters or bulk mail from senders added to the allow list) is not blocked. The Allow List tab on the SpamLogic Settings page displays which senders have been added to the list, and which spam checks are bypassed for each entry.

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To add an entry to the allow list:

  1. From the Policy Center Home page, click SpamLogic Settings. The SpamLogic Settings page appears.
  2. Click the Allow List tab.
  3. On the Task Pane, click New.
  4. Enter the Address of the sender, and a Comment if required. Select whether the address corresponds to a Mail Server (IP address or fully qualified hostname) or an Email (domain or address).
  5. Select the spam checks you want the sender to bypass.
  6. Click Add.

    The new entry is displayed in the Allow List.

  7. Apply configuration

To import an allow list:

You can import a text file of allow list items. The file must contain each allow list item on a separate line. The file can be a maximum of 2 Mb in size or 100,000 valid entries.

  1. From the Policy Center Home page, click SpamLogic Settings. The SpamLogic Settings page appears.
  2. Click the Allow List tab.
  3. Click Import allow list.
  4. In the Import SpamLogic Allow List dialog box, click Browse... and select the file containing the allow list items you want to import.

      Select the Replace existing matching entries? check box to replace the existing list with the contents of your new import file. If you leave this check box clear, the Gateway merges the new and the existing lists. Duplicate items are ignored and appear once in the allow list.
  5. Select the type of list you are importing: Mail Server or Email.


    When importing a text file of allow list items, your file should contain either Mail Server or Email items as the Gateway does not support both types in the one import file.

  6. Select the spam checks you want the sender to bypass.
  7. Click Import.

    The new entries are displayed in the Allow List.

  8. Apply configuration.

See also...